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created spring 1995 in college by Erika E & OC,SH’s founder Cort; further written by Cort & now adapted to publish here
Parts written during lunch break at work, Wednesday, 01/20/1999
Parts written during lunch break at work, Thursday, 01/21/1999, & Friday, 01/22/1999
Cathy stops at Jackie’s room to see how she is doing. Jackie tells Cathy she is fine & hopes to be released from the hospital soon. Cathy tells Jackie that Mack’s situation is similar. A brief moment of silence occurs before Jackie tells Cathy she is glad she was there for Michael when he needed someone. Cathy agrees, flashing back to Michael’s drinking which led to their 2nd marriage. Cathy & Jackie then share a laugh about Michael’s “quirkiness”. Jackie flashes back to Michael’s whirl-wind courtship of her & their wedding day. Back in the present, Jackie tells Cathy she (Cathy) should not be “on the clock” today. Cathy appreciates Jackie’s sentiment, but tells her it is better this way because seeing & talking with people keeps her mind off Michael & the missing boys & Michelle. Jackie tells Cathy she hopes they are found soon. Cathy leaves to go home.
Timothy agrees with Steve, but tells him “better late than never”. Steve relents & the 2 begin to name places to look for Michelle (& possibly even the boys). 1 of the places on the list is Michelle’s office at the University.
Wendleton & Vicky arrive at the Rockingham mansion. Wendleton tells Vicky to stay in the car & listen to the tape while he goes in to speak with Desmond.
Adam tells Barry it would be quite useful to hunt out possible escape routes, just in case. But, Barry responds, telling them they will soon die & nobody will find them. Refusing to believe that, Adam says they WILL be found. Still, Adam flashes back to the collision scene & realizes, with Matthew & Michael involved in that accident, something else is most-likely wrong & receiving more attention than their disappearance.
Cathy arrives home & boots up the computer. She retrieves Email messages, skimming through them. Her eyes land on the last new message. She pauses, as if in thought, opens the Email & begins reading. She suddenly stops, closes her eyes, raisers her head a little & says: “Bette Stirling, I wish you were here right now.”
Lyrics to the “Face In The Crowd” theme song, written the evening of Wednesday, 01/27/1999