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In the United States, today is National 1 Cent Day, National Sourdough Bread Day &, of course, April Fool’s Day … no fooling! So, how will you celebrate?

FYI: Speaking of no fooling, ready or not, the full OC,SH schedule returns across all networks (website, Facebook page, Facebook group & Twitter) THIS Monday, 04/04/2016. While posts for 6 weeks are cued & ready (& I’m very excited about many of the entries), I still have a bit of crafting & work to do; in general, it takes me ~12 hours a week to craft & another few hours a week to maintain OC,SH.

BTW: I’m looking to develop some cross-referencing partnerships with companies, including special offers, etc. If you or someone you know owns a business & would like to talk possibilities, please advise me.

Friday’s Leadoff Drive: 4-door Friday
Junkyard Jewel Pontiac Bonneville in Texas
(photo by OC,SHer JAY B)

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