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Remember how awesome spring break was as a student, whether in grade, middle, HS or college? That week (or week plus, depending on if it fell around Easter) was a welcome rest & relaxation time (even if teachers-professors insisted on loading you with homework), which on the 1st day, stretched out in front of you like a blank, unending canvas. By mid-week, though, it felt like it was going “way too fast” … & before you knew it, it was time to return to the books & you wondered where the time went!

Now, as an adult, a spring break would be awesome. For automotive enthusiasts, spring in general means seeing all sorts of “new” cars on the road, like these 2 cars seen south of Dwight IL after the “Spring Fling Meet’n’Greet” I hosted along Route 66, 04/16/2011:
Which would you prefer to drive &/or own: Ford Torino or Caprice Classic!?

BTW, did you know: the United States is 1 of very few countries which do NOT have any statutory minimum paid vacation or paid public holidays? While many employers offer paid vacation (including Holidays), not all do. No wonder we are burnt out & craving vacation time! What would you do with a “mandatory” week of spring break vacation!?

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