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This week, I’m testing a new schedule-lineup. Since part of this trial run includes combining “Early Bird Deal” (~11a US central) & “Late Model Deal” (~5p US central) to form “Daily Deals” (~2p US central), now publicized directly from the website (versus posting only on the Facebook page), those subscribed will receive 6 Emails each day. For example, today’s posts (times US central) …:

~1a “Quantum Leap” (Facebook page only)
~5a “From The Heart” (publicized from website)
~8a “Daily Dose: Monday Madness” (publicized from website)
~11a “Memory Monday” (publicized from website; moved from 2p US central)
~2p “Daily Deals” (publicized from website; combination of “EBD” & “LMD”)
~6p “Model Monday” (publicized from website; moved from 7p US central)
~9p “Monday Night Fun” (publicized from website)
~11p “Page Snapshot” (Facebook group only)

If all goes smoothly-well, this may become the new official schedule-lineup starting 02/01/2016….

In the United States, today is National Opposite Day & National Irish Coffee Day! Not sure how you could make irish coffee opposite; any ideas?

Monday’s Leadoff Drive: a Junkyard Jewel!
Perfect for opposite day, as this old Nova sits next to an opposite “newer” car!
(spotted in Texas, 12/18/2015, by OC,SHer JAY B)

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